Tips for Kindergarten parents

Aug 04 2015

By Amy Hamilton, SMART529

The end of summertime is near. If you have a little one starting Kindergarten, I’m sure you have lots of excitement and possibly some anxiety in your home. This is a time of firsts- first time to ride a bus, eat in a cafeteria, or spend an entire day away from home. We’ve put together a few tips for parents who may have more anxiety than their child!


Before school starts

  • Practice your morning routine, do a trial run.
  • Tell your child what will happen on the first day.
  • Set a bedtime and stick to it.
  • Learn about the drop-off/pick up policy.
  • Explain to your child how you will say goodbye.
  • Read books about going school. The Night Before Kindergarten by Natasha Wing and Julie Durrell is great!


First Day of School

  • Get up early. Try to eat breakfast. Take pictures!
  • Don’t express to your child you will miss him/her; just say “have a great day”.  
  • If your child gets upset, reassure him/her you will be back.
  • Ask the teacher to intervene if necessary.  
  • Leave quickly after you tell them goodbye.
  • Try not to cry, especially in front of your child!


Parents' Anxiety

Many parents are just as anxious or nervous about school as their children. Keep in mind that the more confident you are your child will be too.

  • Explore the classroom with your child.
  • Be enthusiastic about school at home.
  • Let your child know it is okay to be nervous, you feel that way sometimes too.
  •  Tell your child what school was like for you.


Getting Settled

  • Get to know the teacher; many are easily reached by email.
  • If your child says, “I don’t want to go,” remind him/her about the things they enjoy.
  • If your child says, “I hate school,” ask him/her to tell you why.
  • Ask the teacher for help if your child has trouble adjusting.
  • Try to volunteer if possible.
  • Attend school events.  


This is your child’s first journey into education but it won’t be their last. Avoid future anxiety and start saving early for their journey into college. Learn more about your savings options with SMART529.


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