If you have questions about your new wvOASIS account funding for your Deposit Posting Form, please contact your agency’s budget office or see the current fiscal year wvOASIS Budget Revenue Codes and Sub Revenue Codes on the WV Budget Office website at the following link:


If you need assistance completing the Deposit Posting Form, please call the Treasurer’s Office at 304.341.0732.

For more information on wvOASIS, go to wvoasis.gov.

wvOASIS Cash Receipt Documents are approved by various divisions within the Treasurer’s Office. If an agency user needs assistance such as rejecting and/or approving CR documents, the appropriate division must be contacted. Please use the information below to determine the correct division to contact.

wvOASIS Role Deposit Locations Phone Number
STO EFT Approver
STO Vault Approver
STO Participant Acct Approver
STO Cash Actg Approver
00711, 00712, 00850, 00875
00578, 00579
00900, 00950
All locations not listed above.
304.341.0776 or 304.341.0717
The Treasury does not collect state taxes. Visit the The West Virginia State Tax Department for assistance.

West Virginia State Treasurer's Office
1900 Kanawha Boulevard
Capitol Complex Building #1, Room E-145
Charleston, West Virginia 25305
304-558-5000 Toll Free: 800-422-7498

Copyright 2025 by West Virginia State Treasurer's Office