When I Grow Up Essay Contest Enters 8th Year

Jan 13 2015

Treasurer Perdue kicked off the 8th Annual When I Grow Up essay contest at Mountain View Elementary School.

On January 9th, State Treasurer John Perdue kicked off the 8th annual When I Grow Up essay contest at Mountain View Elementary School. Sponsored by the SMART529 college savings program, the essay contest is a highly successful initiative to encourage West Virginia students in grades K-5 to dream about their future, award them for doing so and educate them on the importance of higher education.

How it works:

The SMART Family Newsletter is distributed to all WV elementary schools with students K-5. The newsletter contains the contest entry form and rules.

Students simply write a 100 words or less essay that begins “When I Grow Up, I want to be a/an…” 

Parents are encouraged to help younger children as needed. (Students can include a drawing/picture if they desire.)

Fifteen winners are selected statewide (grades K/1st, 2nd/3rd, 4th/5th in five regions). Each regional winner is awarded $500 in a SMART529 College Savings account.  Each winner’s school will also receive a $500 cash prize.

During an awards ceremony this fall, the fifteen regional winners will be entered into a random grand prize drawing for an additional $4,500 in a SMART529 College Savings account. 

The contest also features an essay contest for teachers (K-5). One teacher will be awarded $2,500 cash for an essay entry about their use of When I Grow Up in classroom lessons.

If your child’s class is not participating in the contest, not to worry, essays can be submitted individually as well. Click here for official contest rules and to download an entry form.

The deadline for student and teacher entries is February 27th. 

For information about West Virginias college savings plan visit www.SMART529.com or email Amy Hamilton at amy.hamilton@wvsto.com.

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