Press Releases

John Perdue presents an unclaimed property check to the Taylor County Emergency Services.
State Treasurer John Perdue presented an unclaimed property check of $3,338 Tuesday to the Taylor County Emergency Squad, at squad headquarters on U.S. 50.


The amount represents services provided for the state’s Workers’ Compensation program to which the department was entitled to a refund.  

“I love to pass out any unclaimed property check but I especially enjoy helping organizations which serve as the literal backbone of communities,” said Treasurer Perdue. “These people actually have folks’ lives in their hands. They need all the resources they can acquire.”

Taylor County Emergency Squad Director Carl Bartlett said the money could not have come at a better time.  “We’re very excited,” she said. “We’re excited to maybe make some payments on our computer system or buy some new radios.

“Anytime you get money you don’t expect it helps offset a lot of expenses. In this climate it’s much harder to get revenue. New Medicare regulations have played a big part. In the last couple of years Medicare has really cut back funding.”

The Treasury does not collect state taxes. Visit the The West Virginia State Tax Department for assistance.

West Virginia State Treasurer's Office
1900 Kanawha Boulevard
Capitol Complex Building #1, Room E-145
Charleston, West Virginia 25305
304-558-5000 Toll Free: 800-422-7498

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